Please note that as of 10 January 2025, we have changed certain sections of the terms of use. The changes will affect all Vigiler Platform customers. The updated Terms of Use have been modified in the following areas:
- The modification of the Terms of Use has been made necessary by recent EU legal obligations that have entered into force. The new Terms of Use are aligned with the EU 2023/1114 (popularly known as MICA, Markets in Crypto Assets) legislation and the EU 2023/1113 Regulation, which sets out the Travel Rule requirements for EU service providers. We have previously published information on the introduction of the Travel Rules, which can be found here: Updated procedures to comply with the EU Travel Rule
- In line with the requirements of the MICA Regulation, the established complaints handling process is presented, as well as the outsourcing and conflict of interest processes in a transparent manner.
- The liability required by the MICA Regulation (Article 75(8) MICA) is also applied in the conditions of use.
- We will also show that, due to legal obligations, the platform may opt out of certain devices or services, or, in the case of devices, limit the services for which the device can be used.
- It will be clarified which services are covered by the new MICA regulation and which are not.
- A new alternative incentive scheme will be introduced for the Savings Pool, which will offer the possibility to earn additional Fee Credit in addition to the existing availability fee at the allocation rate.
Updated Terms of Use are available:
If you disagree with the updated Terms of Use, please stop using Vigiler’s services with immediate effect. In that case, you can close your account free of charge via the Vigiler Platform, but we’ll be sad to see you go. You can also request your account closure on Vigiler support at [email protected] email address.
We would also like to inform our customers that today the Service Provider has completed its preparations for EU 2023/1114 (MICA) compliance and will start the licensing process in Hungary with the designated licensing authority (Magyar Nemzeti Bank) in the coming days. The license will be extended to the whole EU and EEA countries adapted by MICA.