The Superposition product implements a fully automated grid robot technology, which performs automatic trading based on client-defined parameters without any supervision or intervention. To get started, all the client needs to do is specify the market (coin pair), the amount of money he wants to allocate and whether he wants to run the robot for the short or long term. In addition, it is also possible to optionally set stop-loss and take-profit levels, which determine how much the robot will automatically stop if the exchange rate loses or gains.
Superposition utilise the volatility in crypto markets. It works by generating small buy and sell orders from the capital and automatically opening the opposite side of the order when they are filled, essentially creating a grid structure on the selected price range. It generates profits by matching lower buys with sells at higher rates.
Short-term positions can generate very high returns for a few weeks to a month on average, but can become passive positions in the long term if the price of the selected crypto asset changes significantly (more than ~20%) in either direction. The expected return on a long-term position is below the short-term return, but it has a significantly higher tolerance level for exchange rate movements, so it can consistently generate profits from volatility even if the exchange rate moves within 40%. For a short term option, the “narrow” option should be selected when creating the Superposition, while for a long term option the “wide” option should be selected.
Clients can continuously access statistics of currently running superpositions and important data of the supported markets (coin pairs), including their short, medium and long term volatility, at the following link:
Given that the Superposition product generates its profits from market volatility, it is highly sensitive to market volatility and its operation is highly dependent on the availability of the exchange running the algorithm. In view of these considerations, the operation of the Superposition product requires active monitoring by clients. Therefore, before using the product, you should be familiar with its operation, possibilities and risks.