Our Terms has been updated (2025.01.10)
Please note that as of 10 January 2025, we have changed certain sections of the terms of use. The changes will affect all Vigiler Platform customers. The updated Terms of [...]
Please note that as of 10 January 2025, we have changed certain sections of the terms of use. The changes will affect all Vigiler Platform customers. The updated Terms of [...]
We would like to inform you that starting December 30, 2024, Vigiler will gradually implement the so-called "Travel Rule" (EU Regulation 2023/1113). The Travel Rule aims to enhance transparency in [...]
We would like to inform our Clients that the new European Union regulation governing the crypto-service providers - the Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation (MiCA) - will gradually enter into force [...]
When the migration is completed, our customers receive a compensation balance that they can use to rebate platform fees, and the Vigiler platform itself makes quarterly payments from the reserve [...]
We wanted to let you know that we’re making some changes to our Terms of Use, which has been implemented on 1st May 2024. Changes are affected all Vigiler Platform [...]
Following the creation of the Vigiler platform, it provided the opportunity for Inlock platform customers to migrate to the new platform between 14 February and 20 April 2023. The migration [...]
The Vigiler platform has taken a significant step today. After more than a year of service development, the platform has opened for customer registrations. Any new customer who meets the [...]
Disclaimer: Following announcement is originally published on Inlock blog and contains the public offer for platform customers. Within the framework of the Recovery and Restructuring Plan, we share with our [...]
The European Union has recently agreed on the most comprehensive cryptocurrency regulation in the world. EU policymakers will determine precisely in the upcoming months how these rules will be implemented [...]
In June 2019, the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) formally adopted an important new interpretation of its Recommendation 16 on financial transfers. This so-called “crypto travel rule” requires countries to [...]